The evigene_mosquito_anofun2016 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Anopheles funestus, mosquito, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Anopheles funestus, mosquito reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_daphnia_pulex2017 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Daphnia pulex, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Daphnia pulex reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_daphnia_magna2014 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Daphnia magna, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Daphnia magna reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_shrimp_penamon2013 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Penaeus monodon, tiger shrimp, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Penaeus monodon, tiger shrimp reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_mosquito_anoalb2016 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Anopheles albimanus, mosquito, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Anopheles albimanus, mosquito reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_pig2018 download contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of model animal Pig, Sus scrofa, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of the Pig, Sus scrofa, reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_killifish2014 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Fundulus heteroclitus, atlantic killifish, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Fundulus heteroclitus, atlantic killifish reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_daphnia_galeata2016 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Daphnia galeata, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Daphnia galeata reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_tick_rhipic2014 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Rhipicephalus pulchellus, zebra tick, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Rhipicephalus pulchellus, zebra tick reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_whitefly_bemitab2017 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Bemisia tabaci, whitefly, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Bemisia tabaci, whitefly reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_mosquito_aedes2016 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Aedes aegypti, mosquito, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Aedes aegypti, mosquito reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_daphnia_pulex2010 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Daphnia pulex, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Daphnia pulex reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_seaurchin_lytvar2017 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Lytechinus variegatus, green sea urchin, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Lytechinus variegatus, green sea urchin reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_cacao2013 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Theobroma cacao, chocolate tree, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Theobroma cacao, chocolate tree reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_tick_ixoscap2014 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Ixodes scapularis, deer tick, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Ixodes scapularis, deer tick reconstructed with EvidentialGene
Click on the PURL link below in the "Link(s) to data and video for this item" section to download the dataset.
Citation to related publication:
Data for "Spatially variable increase in rock uplift in the northern U.S. Cordillera recorded in the distribution of river knickpoints and incision depths"
The evigene_beetle_tribolium2014 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Tribolium castaneum, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Tribolium castaneum reconstructed with EvidentialGene