Data variables can be found in Yanites, 2018 Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface as well as in the model code uploaded to the Community Surface Dynamic Modeling System infrastructure.
Citation to related publication:
Data scripts for modeling dynamic width and slope evoluton of actively eroding rivers
The evigene_catfish2013 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Ictalurus punctatus, catfish, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Ictalurus punctatus, catfish reconstructed with EvidentialGene
A single ".ova" file encompassing an Ubuntu-based (v. 16.04) virtual machine (VM). This VM is the "artifact" used in the artifact evaluation of the corresponding PPoPP17 paper. It contains the complete software, such as example programs and benchmark programs, necessary to reproduce the results of the paper. Scripts are included in the virtual machine to automatically run benchmarks and compare their results. Download the VM by clicking the link below under "Link(s) to data and video for this item."
Citation to related publication:
Bundled VM artifact to accompany paper entitled SC-Haskell: Sequential Consistency in Languages That Minimize Mutable Shared Heap
The evigene_locust_locumig2013 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Locusta migratoria migratoria, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Locusta migratoria migratoria reconstructed with EvidentialGene
Download the software applications used for the 2015 Student Cluster Competition by clicking the URLs below: HPC Repast (4 MB); MILC (2 GB); Trinity (64 GB); WRF (5 GB). Note that download times may vary and that due to its size the Trinity file could take several hours.
The evigene_honeybee_apismel2014 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Apis mellifera, honey bee, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Apis mellifera, honey bee reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_shrimp_litova2013 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Litopenaeus vannamei, white shrimp, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Litopenaeus vannamei, white shrimp reconstructed with EvidentialGene