Includes geodatabase with statewide address points, street centerlines, parcels, and county boundaries for Indiana, 2020. Also includes zipped shapefiles for individual counties, state geocoder, and real property geodatabase.
Includes geodatabase with statewide address points, street centerlines, parcels, and county boundaries for Indiana, 2021. Also includes zipped shapefiles for individual counties, state geocoder, and real property geodatabase.
Includes geodatabase with statewide address points, street centerlines, parcels, and county boundaries for Indiana, 2022. Also includes zipped shapefiles for individual counties, state geocoder.
Includes geodatabase with statewide address points, street centerlines, parcels, and county boundaries for Indiana, 2023. Also includes zipped shapefiles for individual counties, state geocoder, and real property geodatabase.
This collection contains yearly deposits of data from Indiana's Data Harvest - consisting of vector GIS layers for the state of Indiana as gathered and cleaned by the Indiana Geographic Information Office
Spectroscopy data were collected on a BioTek Synergy H1 plate reader, then exported to and analyzed in Excel. 3D charts used in the manuscript were generated with OriginPro. Microscopy images are in proprietary .nd2 format of Nikon Elements software. .nd2 files were opened and processed with ImageJ. Gels were imaged on a BioRad Chemidoc.
Laughlin, P. M.; Young, K.; Gonzalez-Guiterrez, G.; Wang, J. C.-Y.,; Zlotnick, A. A narrow ratio of nucleic acid to SARS-CoV-2 N-protein enables phase separation. 2024.
Raw data for "A narrow ratio of nucleic acid to SARS-CoV-2 N-protein enables phase separation"
This study addresses a debate on the nature of gamma (>30Hz) oscillations in language generation and structuring from a top-down vs. bottom-up chunking approach. Working within the framework of recent oscillatory models for syntax, we argue that a time-frequency analysis of electroencephalography at crucial points of recursions in bi-clausal wh-movement is probative of the role of gramma oscillations in the creation of referential dependencies nested into wh-dependencies, accounting for aspects of the expressive power of language.
The study proposes that gamma oscillations in frontotemporal circuitry create syntax-semantics objects in contrast with slow-rhythm entrainment of gamma oscillations tracking semantic fitness in bottom-up chunking. We show gamma power effects associated with aspects of anaphoric relations established in syntax vs. discourse during the processing of bi-clausal filler-gap dependencies. Despite equal semantic fitness across conditions for noun phrase modifiers (Mods) and noun complements (Comps), Mod-Comp modulations of ERPDs linked to anaphoric relations with early vs. late antecedents arose in referential processing aligned with gap positions, suggesting the gamma-based implementation of referential relations is induced by the re-representations of pronouns in complex filler-gap dependencies.
Cortical 𝛾-Oscillations Implement Basic Language Operations: Evidence from Electroencephalography in Anaphora During English Filler-gap Dependency Processing
The evigene_mosquito_anofun2016 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Anopheles funestus, mosquito, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Anopheles funestus, mosquito reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_daphnia_pulex2017 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Daphnia pulex, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Daphnia pulex reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_daphnia_magna2014 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Daphnia magna, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Daphnia magna reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_shrimp_penamon2013 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Penaeus monodon, tiger shrimp, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Penaeus monodon, tiger shrimp reconstructed with EvidentialGene
Accompanying dataset to the protocol published in Methods in Molecular Biology. Click on the PURL link below in the "External Files" section to download the dataset.
Citation to related publication:
Bioinformatics Analysis of Top-Down Mass Spectrometry Data with ProSight Lite
The evigene_mosquito_anoalb2016 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Anopheles albimanus, mosquito, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Anopheles albimanus, mosquito reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_pig2018 download contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of model animal Pig, Sus scrofa, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of the Pig, Sus scrofa, reconstructed with EvidentialGene
The evigene_killifish2014 archive package contains a complete, reconstructed gene set of Fundulus heteroclitus, atlantic killifish, produced with EvidentialGene methods. This file set includes gene sequences, annotations, analyses and summary documents.
Citation to related publication:
Genes of Fundulus heteroclitus, atlantic killifish reconstructed with EvidentialGene
Download the software applications used for the 2016 Student Cluster Competition by clicking the URLs below: Gromacs (6 MB); Paraview (6 GB); ParConnect (800 MB); Distributed Password Auditing/Recovery (125 MB). ParConnect sequence data were produced by the US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute in collaboration with the user community. Note that download times may vary.