Gas phase measurements of NO, NO2, N2O, CO2 and O3 were collected from four experimental chambers and 1m above the ground during a field campaign at the Indiana University Research and Teaching Preserve from 08/02/2017 to 08/18/2017. Chambers contained different levels of vegetation to understand the effect that vegetation has on soil fluxes of these gases. These measurements were processed in R computing environment to produce measurement of fluxes. Raw data and processed data both appear in this dataset.
The data represent induced power at the bridge between a matrix clause and an embedded clause represented by the words dit 'said' and que 'that' in French linked to four conditions as in (1a - d).
(1a) Quel reportage la concernant est-ce que Laetitia a dit que Jérémie avait regardé avec appréhension?
(1b) Quel reportage à propos d’elle est-ce que Laetitia a dit que Jérémie avait regardé avec appréhension?
(1c) Quel reportage la concernant est-ce que Jérémie a dit que Laetitia avait regardé avec appréhension?
(1d) Quel reportage à propos d’elle est-ce que Jérémie a dit que Laetitia avait regardé avec appréhension?
‘Which report regarding/about her did Laetitia/Jérémie say that Jérémie/Laetitia had watched with apprehension?’
These four conditions manipulated the contains of interrogative expressions. (1a/condition A) involves a modifier with an early match antecedent. (1b/condition B) involves a complement with an early match antecedent. (1c/condition C) involves a modifier with a late match antecedent. (1d/condition D) involves a complement with an late match antecedent. Our the time-frequency analysis was performed with the FieldTrip toolbox as eight datasets for four conditions (1a - 1d) and two groups (NSs and NNSs). The time window of interest in each epoched trial included the two critical bridge words dit que ‘said that’, and so covered 1.85 seconds, plus a 700ms baseline. A 50ms interval was left between the baseline and the critical window to prevent spectral leakage in plotting and analyses. We convolved a family of Morlet wavelets of 7 cycles with the selected time window of each EEG trial, which yielded the time-frequency information of the induced neural activity. After the induced power was obtained for each condition of each subject, a log transformation was conducted across channels and frequencies for each subject to standardize the power unit as dB. The length of the wavelets was set as 3 standard deviations of the Gaussian kernel. At 1Hz, the wavelet duration was 2.228 seconds. The spectral bandwidth was 0.286Hz. At 60Hz, the wavelet duration was 0.037 seconds. The spectral bandwidth was 17.143Hz. This procedure only allowed us to analyze the data starting at 5Hz (wavelet duration = 0.446 seconds; spectral bandwidth = 1.429Hz).
The Timing versus Resource Problem in Nonnative Sentence Processing: Evidence from a Time-Frequency Analysis of Anaphora Resolution in Successive wh-Movement in Native and Nonnative Speakers of French
The Quaternary Geology of the Indiana Portion of the Eastern Extent of the South Bend 30- x 60-Minute Quadrangle was created to provide digital access to the Quaternary geology of the eastern extent of the South Bend 30- x 60-minute quadrangle in Indiana. This geodatabase presents basic Quaternary geological information that contributes to the development of a three-dimensional framework of the state of Indiana. The data are synthesized from archived public domain geological data obtained from many different sources, original data obtained from fieldwork conducted by the authors, and contract drilling supported by project funds. Archive data sources include water-well records, refraction seismic surveys, borehole descriptions and geophysical logs, and the geological literature. Project data includes observations and measurements from drilled and sampled boreholes and estimated bedrock depths from analysis of horizontal-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) seismic measurements. This database is, in large part, the result of a cooperative mapping agreement between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Indiana Geological and Water Survey through the STATEMAP program of the USGS.
Antinao, J. L., and Rupp, R. F., 2021, Quaternary geology of the Indiana portion of the eastern extent of the South Bend 30- x 60-minute quadrangle: Indiana Geological and Water Survey, Indiana Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 3, scale 1:100,000. doi: 10.14434/ijes.v3i0.31698
Quaternary Geology of the Indiana Portion of the Eastern Extent of the South Bend 30- x 60-Minute Quadrangle
The Bedrock Geologic Map of the Southern Half of the Knox 30- X 60-Minute Quadrangle was created to provide digital access to the bedrock geology of southern half of the Knox quadrangle in northern Indiana. This geodatabase presents basic bedrock geological information that contributes to the characterization of potential mineral resources and bedrock aquifer systems. The data are synthesized from archived public domain geological data obtained from many different sources, original data obtained from fieldwork conducted by the authors, and contract drilling supported by project funds. Archive data sources include petroleum-well records, water-well records, refraction seismic surveys, and the geological literature. Project data includes measurements from quarry exposures, drill cores, drill cuttings, geophysical logs, chemostratigraphic analysis via portable X-ray fluorescence and stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry, conodont biostratigraphy, and horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio geophysical surveys. This database is, in large part, the result of a cooperative mapping agreement between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Indiana Geological and Water Survey through the STATEMAP program of the USGS.