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Geometric Morphometrics for Mathematica (Ver. 9.0)
Polly, P.D. and A. Goswami. 2010. Modularity for Mathematica, Version 1.0. Goswami, A. & Polly, P. D. 2010 Methods for studying morphological integration, modularity and covariance evolution. In Quantitative Methods in Paleobiology. Paleontological Society Short Course, October 30th, 2010, vol. The Paleontological Society Papers (ed. J. Alroy & G. Hunt), pp. 213-243. Chicago: The Paleontological Society.
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A library of BASIC scripts of rate equations for geochemical modeling using PHREEQC
Initial Jetstream Featured image. Based on CentOS 6 (6.7) Development. Patched up to date as of 3/29/16, turned off the following from default startup in GNOME: Bluetooth Power Manager Volume Control PulseAudio Package Manager
ZIP file approximately 95MB; CONTENTS: ExpArchive_Across Ss.xlsx; ExpArchive_Individual Ss; ExpArchive_Reference Files; README.pdf with instructions and key to coding; Software: Excel: Mac 2011; Adobe Acrobat XI Pro PDF/A; NOTE: It is imperative to retain Lucida Grande font to preserve the integrity of phonetic transcriptions.
ZIP file approximately 158MB; CONTENTS: PhonArchive_Individual Ss (folder with individual .xlsx files); PhonArchive_Reference Files; README.pdf with instructions for use and keys to coding; SOFTWARE: Excel: Mac 2011; Adobe Acrobat XI Pro PDF/A; NOTE: It is imperative to retain Lucida Grande font to preserve the integrity of phonetic transcriptions.
ZIP file approximately 1MB; CONTENTS: DemogArchive_Across Ss.xlsx; DemogArchive_Reference File.pdf; README.pdf with instructions for use and keys to coding; SOFTWARE: Excel: Mac 2011; Adobe Acrobat XI Pro PDF/A; NOTE: It is imperative to retain Lucida Grande font to preserve the integrity of phonetic transcriptions.