The two major components of this supplement are packaged as two separate UNIX tar files available through links below. The two tar file names are:
(1) ModelConstructionDetails.tar - this contains the pdf file with the text (file name SupplementText.pdf) describing the technical details of how the 3D model was constructed. The package also contains a directory called Figures that contain five interactive figures. The SupplementText.pdf file contains links to these files that will resolve only if the files are left in that directory. There is also a small README text file to make the set of files more self contained.
(2) DataSupplement.tar - this is the package of data files that form the data supplement. The organization of the files in the package and file descriptions are described in the pdf file with the name DataSupplementDescription.pdf. That file can also be accessed directly from the link below.
Citation to related publication:
Electronic Supplement to “A Unified Three-dimensional Model of the Lithospheric Structure at the Subduction Corner in Southeast Alaska: Summary Results from STEEP”
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