These matlab files were produced by a Macintosh computer running Matlab version 2015. Files with the extension *.m are unformatted text files that can be opened with any text editor. They are Matlab scripts and functions that can be opened and executed by Matlab. Files with the extension *.mat are binary data files that can be opened only by Matlab. These Matlab files are intended for readers of the monograph “Fourier Analysis for Beginners” who wish to review numerical examples and exercises mentioned in the text. The full text of the book can be downloaded at .
There are two files: a README describing the main data file, and a main data file.
The main data file is plain ASCII, tab delimited, with header comments.
Citation to related publication:
Data set for article "Links among inflammation, sexual activity and ovulation: Evolutionary trade-offs and clinical implications"
List of base-pair substitutions in "The symmetrical pattern of base-pair substitutions rates across the chromosome in Escherichia coli has multiple causes"
Date derived from a sample of OCLC records. Data was collected for research published by "Cataloging & Classification Quarterly." Full citation of the paper is: Park, Taemin Kim & Andrea M. Morrison (2017). The Nature and Characteristics of Bibliographic Relationships in RDA Cataloging Records in OCLC at the Beginning of RDA Implementation. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, vol. 55, issue 6. A post-print of the paper is available here:
Dataset for "Comparing Transaction Logs to ILL requests to Determine the Persistence of Library Patrons In Obtaining Materials" article.
Excel file contains all data in four worksheets
Zip file contains four csv files, one for each worksheet:
- Comparing Transaction Logs to ILL - 2016 ILL Raw Data.csv
- Comparing Transaction Logs to ILL - 2015 ILL Raw Data.csv
- Comparing Transaction Logs to ILL - 2016 Zero Search Raw Data.csv
- Comparing Transaction Logs to ILL - 2015 Zero Search Raw Data.csv
Data transcribed from authority records matching relevant search criteria submitted to OCLC. MARC records retrieved July 11, 2017 via OCLC Connexion Client. Data entry completed September, 12, 2017. Data entered in exact transcription, retaining any errors or typos found in the retrieved records.
Polly, P. D. 2012. Phylogenetics for Mathematica. Version 2.1. Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University: Bloomington, Indiana.
Polly, P. D. 2012. Geometric morphometrics for Mathematica. Version 9.0. Department of Geological Sciences, Indiana University: Bloomington, Indiana.
Geometric Morphometrics for Mathematica (Ver. 9.0)
Polly, P.D. and A. Goswami. 2010. Modularity for Mathematica, Version 1.0. Goswami, A. & Polly, P. D. 2010 Methods for studying morphological integration, modularity and covariance evolution. In Quantitative Methods in Paleobiology. Paleontological Society Short Course, October 30th, 2010, vol. The Paleontological Society Papers (ed. J. Alroy & G. Hunt), pp. 213-243. Chicago: The Paleontological Society.
Zhang YL, Hu B, Teng Y, Tu K, Zhu C (2019) A library of BASIC scripts of reaction rates for geochemical modeling using PHREEQC. Computers & Geosciences
A library of BASIC scripts of rate equations for geochemical modeling using PHREEQC
Initial Jetstream Featured image. Based on CentOS 6 (6.7) Development. Patched up to date as of 3/29/16, turned off the following from default startup in GNOME: Bluetooth Power Manager Volume Control PulseAudio Package Manager
ZIP file approximately 95MB; CONTENTS: ExpArchive_Across Ss.xlsx; ExpArchive_Individual Ss; ExpArchive_Reference Files; README.pdf with instructions and key to coding; Software: Excel: Mac 2011; Adobe Acrobat XI Pro PDF/A; NOTE: It is imperative to retain Lucida Grande font to preserve the integrity of phonetic transcriptions.
ZIP file approximately 158MB; CONTENTS: PhonArchive_Individual Ss (folder with individual .xlsx files); PhonArchive_Reference Files; README.pdf with instructions for use and keys to coding; SOFTWARE: Excel: Mac 2011; Adobe Acrobat XI Pro PDF/A; NOTE: It is imperative to retain Lucida Grande font to preserve the integrity of phonetic transcriptions.
ZIP file approximately 1MB; CONTENTS: DemogArchive_Across Ss.xlsx; DemogArchive_Reference File.pdf; README.pdf with instructions for use and keys to coding; SOFTWARE: Excel: Mac 2011; Adobe Acrobat XI Pro PDF/A; NOTE: It is imperative to retain Lucida Grande font to preserve the integrity of phonetic transcriptions.