README FILE FOR "Ruth Engs - AUST dataset" Created by: Dr. Ruth Clifford Engs Dept. Applied Health Science SPH Building Rm 116 1025 E. 7th St. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405-4801 with support from: Stacy Konkiel Science Data Management Librarian Herman B Wells Library Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405 --------------------------------------- FILE LIST This folder contains: ./Austr_Data.txt: the authoritative data file ./Austr_Program.pdf: CALCULATIONS AND SCORING FOR THE QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA VERSION OF THE STUDENT ALCOHOL QUESTIONNAIRE, which issue commands to process the data found in the Austr_Data.txt file. ./Corrupt_Austr_Data.txt: the version of Austr_Data.txt transferred off of the mainframe computer in the early 2000's. This file is included in this dataset as a safety mechanism against inadvertent loss of crucial data points, which may have been introduced during the data cleaning process that yielded "Austr_Data.txt". ./oldtape.txt: text of emails between Ruth and university IT who moved data. Including for provenance. ./README_Engs_Austr.txt: the current file that documents the entire dataset. --------------------------------------- FILE INFORMATION I. Dataset history R. Engs collected the data while on sabbatical at the University of Queensland, Australia (Jan - May 1980). Questionnaires were administered in Queensland, at various colleges and universities, to helping professionAL students: social work, medicine, nursing, seminary, police, psychology, etc. The questionnaire information was coded then keypunched onto cards and then later transferred onto tape. George Turner UITS transferred the early data bases from the tape into digital format for the Unix computer in 2002. Data was stored and analyzed on mainframes, then it was stored on a Unix system named Chrome and maintained by Indiana University's UITS, then it was stored on Engs' office and personal computers, and it was finally transferred to CD-R and handed off to IUScholarWorks team. The IUScholarWorks team reviewed all of Engs' submitted files and accessioned those files that are most useful to future researchers. We resaved files with incorrect extensions to reflect the proper formats (.sps for program files, etc). We removed files that are duplicates and/or contain errors. Any deleted files appear in cleaned, reformatted form in the final dataset uploaded to IUScholarWorks repository. No unique files were removed from the final collection submitted to the repository. II. Related questionnaire(s) & documentation The data reflect the AUST version of the Student Alcohol Questionnaire (available at This version of the questionnaire differs from other versions in that it uses Australian spelling and measurements to calculate alcohol content in wine, beer, and spirits. The questionnaire contained the Tolor-Tamarin Attitudes Towards Alcoholism Scale but is not shown due to copyright issues. Further understanding of the construction of this study, the questionnaire and analysis of the resulting data can be gained from reading the following papers: Engs, Ruth C. (1981) THE DRUG TAKING PATTERNS OF NURSING, MEDICAL, AND PHARMACY STUDENTS IN BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA (and Determining the reliability of the Queensland Alcohol and Drug Questionnaire). Paper presented: National Council on Alcoholism, Conference, (Nursing Section), New Orleans, April 10, 1981. Retrieved from the IUScholarWorks repository at Engs, Ruth C. (1977) ALCOHOL KNOWLEDGE AND DRINKING BEHAVIOR AT THIRTEEN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES (And Development of the Student Alcohol Questionnaire) Paper Presented: American College Health Association National Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March, 1977. Retrieved from the IUScholarWorks repository at Engs, Ruth C. (1992) AN UPDATED RELIABILITY OF THE STUDENT ALCOHOL QUESTIONNAIRE (SAQ) FOR RESEARCHERS. Bloomington, IN: White Paper, 1992. Retrieved from the IUScholarWorks repository at III. Specifics of data Data migrated from paper format in the following order: Paper surveys > Key punch card > Tape > Unix > CD-Rom. All data created in SPSS (software version circa 1980-1982), transferred to Unix via SPSS for Unix, Release 6.14. Raw data were responses to questionnaires, submitted on paper, keypunched onto cards then transferred to tape, then migrated to Unix mainframe computer "Chrome". There's a chance that some of the raw analog data is in the Indiana University Archives, but it has most likely been destroyed. A single sample may still exist. An output file would have been used to inform the publications below. However, this digital file was not found. Researchers reusing this data set will need to produce their own output file(s). Variable descriptions are found in the Aust_Program.pdf file. IU Archives may contain further descriptions that describes codings like "ros" == religiosity. IV. Articles published from this data Engs, R.C. and Mulqueeny, K.E. "A survey of drug use and attitudes towards alcoholism of law students and police trainees in Queensland, Australia," Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol. 11:57-66, 1983. Engs, R.C., "The drug taking patterns of health professional students in Brisbane," a letter to the editor, The Medical Journal Australia, 1(2):374, 1981a. Engs, R.C. "Medical, nursing and pharmacy students' attitudes towards alcoholism in Australia," Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 6(2)225-229, 1982b. Engs, R.C. "The drinking patterns and attitudes towards alcoholism of Australian human service students," Journal Studies on Alcohol, 43:511-531, 1982c. Engs, R.C. "The drinking patterns and attitudes towards alcoholism of female tertiary helping professional studies in Brisbane, Australia," Focus on Women, 2(3)145-159, 1981d. Engs, R.C. "The drug use patterns of helping-professional students in Brisbane, Australia," Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 6:231-246, 1980. Some of these articles may be found in the Publications collection on IUScholarWorks repository: V. Presentations related to this data Engs, Ruth C. (1981) THE DRUG TAKING PATTERNS OF NURSING, MEDICAL, AND PHARMACY STUDENTS IN BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA. Paper presented: National Council on Alcoholism, Conference, (Nursing Section), New Orleans, April 10, 1981. Retrieved from the IUScholarWorks repository at --------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT & LICENSING INFORMATION Source data was created by Dr. Ruth Engs, This data is licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commericial 3.0 Unported license. For permission to use this data for purposes not covered by the terms of the above license, please contact Dr. Ruth Engs ( or the Indiana University Bloomington Archives. --------------------------------------- LIMITATIONS There are a number of possible issues with the files, as the tranferral of data from tape storage to UITS' storage to local storage introduced random errors into the files. Use these data with caution. --------------------------------------- FUNDING SOURCES & SUPPORT FOR RESEARCH This study was supported in part by the Department of Human Movement Studies, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia and the Indiana University Foundation, Bloomington, IN. Appreciation is expressed to Sharon Borrows and Monte Benjamine for assistance in data collection and to Esther Bermingham for library research.