
Joined on Dec 03, 2020
255 Works created

View Users
iusw@iu.edu has no highlighted works.
User Activity Date
User iusw@iu.edu has attached 5-G_with_Rh-His.tar.gz to 5-G MD Simulations
2024-08-17 14:15:42
User iusw@iu.edu has attached MolecularDynamics.tar to Molecular Dynamics
2024-08-17 14:15:26
User iusw@iu.edu has attached MrBayes_SCC17.tgz to 2017 Student Cluster Competition
2024-08-17 13:30:28
User iusw@iu.edu has attached MPAS_SCC17.tgz to 2017 Student Cluster Competition
2024-08-17 13:15:27
User iusw@iu.edu has attached LAMMPS_SCC17.tgz to 2017 Student Cluster Competition
2024-08-17 12:45:39
User iusw@iu.edu has attached withNi.tar.gz to 5-G MD Simulations
2024-08-17 12:30:38
User iusw@iu.edu has attached apo.tar.gz to 5-G MD Simulations
2024-08-17 12:00:40
User iusw@iu.edu has attached 5-G_no_Rh-His.tar.gz to 5-G MD Simulations
2024-08-17 09:45:45
User iusw@iu.edu has attached OlliverData3.tar.gz to Data for “Influence of floods, tides, and vegetation on sediment retention in Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, USA”
2024-08-17 08:15:53
User iusw@iu.edu has attached OlliverData2.tar.gz to Data for “Influence of floods, tides, and vegetation on sediment retention in Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, USA”
2024-08-17 07:15:53
User iusw@iu.edu has attached /concern/file_sets/gq67js67d to Electronic Supplement to “A Unified Three-dimensional Model of the Lithospheric Structure at the Subduction Corner in Southeast Alaska: Summary Results from STEEP”
2024-08-17 06:16:07
User iusw@iu.edu has attached Quantitative_Measurment_of_Intact_Alpha-Synuclein_Proteoforms_Dataset_Manifest.txt to Quantitative measurement of intact alpha-synuclein proteoforms from post-mortem control and Parkinson's disease brain tissue by intact protein mass spectrometry
2024-08-17 05:46:10
User iusw@iu.edu has attached WRF_SCC15.tgz to 2015 Student Cluster Competition
2024-08-17 05:31:00
User iusw@iu.edu has attached Trinity_SCC15.tgz to 2015 Student Cluster Competition
2024-08-17 05:01:11
User iusw@iu.edu has attached MILC_SCC15.tgz to 2015 Student Cluster Competition
2024-08-17 03:45:28
User iusw@iu.edu has attached Characterization_of_Native_Protein_Complexes_Using_Ultraviolet_Photodissociation_Dataset_Manifest.txt to Characterization of Native Protein Complexes Using Ultraviolet Photodissociation Mass Spectrometry
2024-08-16 20:00:31
User iusw@iu.edu has attached Password_SCC16.tgz to 2016 Student Cluster Competition
2024-08-16 19:30:28
User iusw@iu.edu has attached ParConnect_SCC16.tgz to 2016 Student Cluster Competition
2024-08-16 19:00:30
User iusw@iu.edu has attached Paraview_SCC16.tgz to 2016 Student Cluster Competition
2024-08-16 18:45:30
User iusw@iu.edu has attached evigene_daphnia_pulex2017.tgz to Genes of Daphnia pulex reconstructed with EvidentialGene
2024-08-16 16:30:26
User iusw@iu.edu has attached Demo_Data_for_Multidimensional_Encoding_of_Brain_Connectomes.tar.gz to Demo Data for Multidimensional Encoding of Brain Connectomes
2024-08-16 16:21:11
User iusw@iu.edu has attached 5-G_apo.tar.gz to 5-G MD Simulations
2024-08-16 16:20:56
User iusw@iu.edu has attached Autopilot_Archive_Dataset_README.txt to Autopilot: An Online Data Acquisition Control System for the Enhanced High-throughput Characterization of Intact Proteins
2024-08-16 16:20:35
User iusw@iu.edu has attached Autopilot_Archive_Dataset_Manifest.txt to Autopilot: An Online Data Acquisition Control System for the Enhanced High-throughput Characterization of Intact Proteins
2024-08-16 16:20:09
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Genes of Daphnia pulex reconstructed with EvidentialGene
2024-08-16 16:19:43
User iusw@iu.edu has attached evigene_daphnia_pulex2010.README.txt to Genes of Daphnia pulex reconstructed with EvidentialGene
2024-08-16 16:19:18
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100612130000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:18:53
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100612130000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100612130000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:18:27
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100519160000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:18:02
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100519160000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100519160000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:17:36
User iusw@iu.edu has attached README.txt to Quantitative measurement of intact alpha-synuclein proteoforms from post-mortem control and Parkinson's disease brain tissue by intact protein mass spectrometry
2024-08-16 16:17:16
User iusw@iu.edu has attached Quantitative_Measurement_of_Intact_Alpha-Synuclein_Proteoforms_Dataset_Manifest.txt to Quantitative measurement of intact alpha-synuclein proteoforms from post-mortem control and Parkinson's disease brain tissue by intact protein mass spectrometry
2024-08-16 16:16:50
User iusw@iu.edu has attached README.txt to Amplicon dataset of 16S rRNA genes from honey bees sampled during antibiotic treatment
2024-08-16 16:16:30
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Amplicon dataset of 16S rRNA genes from honey bees sampled during antibiotic treatment
2024-08-16 16:16:05
User iusw@iu.edu has attached abs.files.txt to Amplicon dataset of 16S rRNA genes from honey bees sampled during antibiotic treatment
2024-08-16 16:15:44
User iusw@iu.edu has attached abs_design.csv to Amplicon dataset of 16S rRNA genes from honey bees sampled during antibiotic treatment
2024-08-16 16:15:24
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100607160000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:14:58
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100503120000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:14:38
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100503120000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100503120000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:14:12
User iusw@iu.edu has attached Top_Down_LCUVPD_Archive_Dataset_Manifest.txt to Ultraviolet Photodissociation for Characterization of Whole Proteins on a Chromatographic Time Scale.
2024-08-16 16:13:48
User iusw@iu.edu has attached README to Ultraviolet Photodissociation for Characterization of Whole Proteins on a Chromatographic Time Scale.
2024-08-16 16:13:27
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100502160000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:13:02
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100502160000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100502160000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:12:36
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100509160000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:12:15
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100509160000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100509160000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:11:46
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100529140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:11:25
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100529140000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100529140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:10:59
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100519140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:10:34
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100519140000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100519140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:10:08
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100605130000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:09:43
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100605130000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100605130000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:09:17
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100531140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:08:53
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100531140000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100531140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:08:27
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100528140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:08:06
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100528140000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100528140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:07:41
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100517130000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:07:15
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100517130000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100517130000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:06:50
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Genes of Litopenaeus vannamei, white shrimp reconstructed with EvidentialGene
2024-08-16 16:06:30
User iusw@iu.edu has attached evigene_shrimp_litova2013.README.txt to Genes of Litopenaeus vannamei, white shrimp reconstructed with EvidentialGene
2024-08-16 16:06:04
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100526140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:05:43
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100526140000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100526140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:05:14
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100521160000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:04:52
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100521160000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100521160000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:04:25
User iusw@iu.edu has attached README.txt to Characterization of Native Protein Complexes Using Ultraviolet Photodissociation Mass Spectrometry
2024-08-16 16:04:04
User iusw@iu.edu has attached Characterization_of_Native_Protein_Complexes_Using_Ultraviolet_Photodissociation_Dataset_Manifest.txt to Characterization of Native Protein Complexes Using Ultraviolet Photodissociation Mass Spectrometry
2024-08-16 16:03:43
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100612150000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:03:19
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100612150000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100612150000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:02:53
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to geo-c7d-bm-160810-001 - Geo's CentOS 7 Benchmarking VM
2024-08-16 16:02:32
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100530120000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:02:02
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100530120000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100530120000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:01:31
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100503140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:01:01
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100503140000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100503140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:00:30
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100526150000Z_run001
2024-08-16 16:00:00
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100526150000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100526150000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:59:29
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100502130000Z_run002
2024-08-16 15:59:04
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100502130000Z_run002.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100502130000Z_run002
2024-08-16 15:58:33
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100522140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:58:03
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100522140000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100522140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:57:33
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100615150000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:57:12
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100615150000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100615150000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:56:42
User iusw@iu.edu has attached README.txt to Data for "Quantifying normal fault evolution from river profile analysis in the Northern Basin and Range province, Southwest Montana, USA"
2024-08-16 15:56:16
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Genes of Ictalurus punctatus, catfish reconstructed with EvidentialGene
2024-08-16 15:55:50
User iusw@iu.edu has attached evigene_catfish2013.README.txt to Genes of Ictalurus punctatus, catfish reconstructed with EvidentialGene
2024-08-16 15:55:25
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100515150000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:55:05
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100515150000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100515150000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:54:34
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100515120000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:54:09
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100515120000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100515120000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:53:44
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100508150000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:53:18
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100508150000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100508150000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:52:48
User iusw@iu.edu has attached README.txt to CentOS 7 Generic Cloud Raw VM Image
2024-08-16 15:52:28
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to CentOS 7 Generic Cloud Raw VM Image
2024-08-16 15:52:01
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100524140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:51:41
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100524140000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100524140000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:51:16
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100601120000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:50:50
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100601120000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100601120000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:50:25
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100603120000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:50:00
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100603120000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100603120000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:49:34
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Genes of Theobroma cacao, chocolate tree reconstructed with EvidentialGene
2024-08-16 15:49:12
User iusw@iu.edu has attached evigene_cacao2013.README.txt to Genes of Theobroma cacao, chocolate tree reconstructed with EvidentialGene
2024-08-16 15:48:49
User iusw@iu.edu has attached manifest.txt to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100515130000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:48:26
User iusw@iu.edu has attached forecast_20100515130000Z_run001.pdf to Vortex II Forecast Data - forecast_20100515130000Z_run001
2024-08-16 15:48:00